Experience the atmosphere in Atelier 1907
Interior design - what is it? For us it means the interplay of architecture (history), space, light, colours, materials and products. Technology that serves with restraint and an environment that inspires people, gives them security and security and convinces over generations. No powerful room can be created without craftsmanship. Only a responsible use of resources and a rethinking in society can continue to prevent tons of waste and short-lived trends. This resulted in the idea of creating a place where only materials and products that, regardless of trends, convince with their quality and durability, can be experienced. The mixture of old and new, series and one-off, craftsmanship and technology makes the showroom a place of communication with a special atmosphere.
We combine our work as interior designers with selected material, lighting and furniture manufacturers under one roof because we are friends of the big picture. We want to inspire people, tell stories, explain and encourage discussion. In our space, everything revolves around the connection of things. Person. Space. Environment. Product. Far away from everyday bargain madness and everyday stress, we invite you to discover something special. In our showroom and in the entire complex of Lüntenbeck Castle.

Individual advice
Da wir als Innenarchitekten immer das Große Ganze im Blick haben, bieten wir Ihnen an, Sie mit unseren vielseitigen Kompetenzen zu unterstützen. Von der Planung bis zur Umsetzung kompletter Altbausanierungen inklusive neu erstellter Anbauten, sowie Neubauten, bis hin zur detaillierten Innenraum-, Möbel- und Lichtplanung im privaten und gewerblichen Bereich sind wir Ihr Partner. Auch die hochwertige Komplettausstattung von Ferienimmobilien bieten wir Ihnen gerne an. Erzählen Sie uns von Ihrem Projekt – wir freuen uns auf Sie!